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Dear parents, in this article we will focus on the topic of the genetics of the child and the parents influence the overall prosperity of the children and how we can best help children improve their health, avoid eating mistakes, help them perform better in school, in sports or in life in general. Children require more of our attention also based on their genetic predispositions, which make them unique. 


The child is essentially a copy of the mother's 50% genetic make-up and the father's 50%. The genetic make-up of grandparents, parents and children is interconnected and provides children with both opportunities and threats in life. Therefore, information about the genetics of all generations, anamnesis (family, personal, sports, allergic) and hereditary diseases, as well as the various experiences of elders and especially the setting of realistic goals, help in effective changes in the lifestyle of children.  

How we work with genetic information will also affect expression of the genes themselves. Nowadays we are thanks  DNA analysis able to find out the genetic information of an individual and subsequently work with his genetic predispositions. However, science has already moved forward and revealed that our lifestyle even affects the switching on and off of some genes. The scientific department deals with this topic in detail Epigenetics, which examines how our vnutrition, behavior, environment in which we live and lifestyle  they affect the expression (activation) of our genes.


Every parent wants only the best for their child, but every child is unique and different from others. It has unique requirements for nutrients, dietary and sports predispositions, sleep cycle or reacts differently to stressful situations. This uniqueness is due to the random combination of genes that a child receives from its parents. Such genes can be combined in different ways and can have a different number of mutations. Sometimes these mutations have no effect on a person's life, sometimes they mean an advantage or a disadvantage for the child, and sometimes they are the reason for health complications.

What benefits our children and what harms them?
Is it good for the child what is good for me?
Are we making mistakes somewhere in life management?

The answers to many questions parents have about themselves and their children lie in genetics and epigenetics. Nowadays, in many countries, genetic analyzes are part of the overall development of a child from an early age. A healthy lifestyle, diet, education, choosing a suitable sport, upbringing, health prevention, but also personal health care can be positively influenced by targeted care of the child based on facts about his innate strengths and weaknesses. 

In recent years, DNA4FIT has also been dedicated to monitoring global clinical studies in various areas of health, prevention, nutrition, and sports. We are innovating our consultation panels and educating our clients - parents, how to take care of themselves, their children and how to thrive in general. Many studies are devoted to identical twins due to the fact that such children have identical genetic information and e.g. different risks of developing diseases are clearly caused by their differences lifestyle and the environment in which they live.

In recent years, we have observed a change in thinking even among world-renowned specialists, scientists, and doctors from dealing with consequences  neglected lifestyle to identify the causes  and predispositions up to education about a healthy lifestyle. Correct and personalized changes in lifestyle will certainly bring gradual improvement in health status, strengthening of immunity and also act as self-healing mechanism  – they increase resistance to diseases and help to treat them.  

The key to successfully taking responsibility for a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your children is motivation. The best motivation for a parent is the health and prosperity of the child, and for the child it is just that exemplary behavior of parents. 

Therefore, as parents, you have your children's prosperity in your own hands.

The child, its protection and healthy development in accordance with DNA

Dear parents, in this article we will show you how your daily decisions about your children are influenced by their genetics and how you can best help children improve their health, avoid eating mistakes, help them achieve better performance in school, in sports or in life in general. Children require more of our attention also based on their genetic predispositions, which make them unique.

Facts and data

Current pan-European health surveys show an increase in awareness of the impact of a healthy lifestyle on a person's overall health and prosperity. Respondents point to concerns regarding physical fitness, increased fatigue, overweight and obesity. More than 90% people are interested in improving some aspects of their lifestyle such as  reducing stress, maintaining a healthy weight, eating healthy, getting enough sleep and exercising daily.

After more than 20 years of experience, we decided to build a lifestyle change for children and adults on the principles of: 

  • changing the family's lifestyle takes into account the uniqueness of each individual, 
  • all family members benefit from the changes, the younger the faster and more, 
  • changes must be updated with regard to the development and goals of the individual.  

Lifestyle changes such as macro-nutrition, micro-nutrition, physical activity, regeneration, mental health and stress management we help to set up through successive layers of diagnostic facts and data with different informative value in the form of  personalized guides, plans and recommendations.  

1 Congenital predispositions

The genetics of the individual and family members represent the first layer and a solid foundation. DNA testing by whole-genome sequencing method  by simply sampling saliva, it will provide us with an insight into the innate predispositions of the child, siblings, parents and grandparents in the entire spectrum of information. We will determine to what extent individuals are similar and different, what their strengths and weaknesses are and how to work with them properly. 

2 Current values

Biochemical and physical diagnostics we recommend to complete more often in the interviewloch according to the client's demands, sports level or health condition and in a larger range of measured indicators as is common when visiting a doctor. We get more information from more data, and from intervals we get a clear idea of the development of an individual over time. The ideal periodicity of diagnostics is 6-12 months.

3 Instant smart data

The category of smart data in the form of, for example, smart watches should be seen as complementary with limitations in the form of indicative values of health metrics. However, it has a significant motivational and educational character because it is associated with daily, regular monitoring of health indicators and raising awareness of a healthy lifestyle. 


We deal with children under three years only in consultation with the parent. From the age of three it is advisable to take genetics. From approximately 6-7 years of age, we suggest involving children in the basic forms of diagnostics in a fun way. Children from around 12 years of age can already undergo diagnosis as adults. 


Once we know our unique facts and data  so depending on motivation and discipline virtually anything can be changed. For starters, we can effectively personalize eating, micro-nutrition, exercise and regeneration  in the form the staffcustomized guide to lifestyle changes and consultations. 


We subject the resulting values obtained from your DNA to a strict analysis. The output of this analysis, together with a clear description, is divided into nine chapters. Each chapter explains how your DNA affects you and the results of this analysis will be delivered to you as a comprehensive and personalized guide with instructions and recommendations suitable only for you.



For us at DNA4FIT, the common feature of all individual facts and data is their comprehensible and easy-to-understand interpretation through the results of testing and consultations. Until individual or family consultation  the results of genetics or diagnostics will fully demonstrate the usefulness of this information in practice for each family member. We recommend regular consultations, for example in semi-annual or annual intervals. Genetic testing needs to be completed practically only once, biochemistry and additional diagnostics must be repeated at intervals as needed, health status or according to the level of sports performance, and smart data helps every day.

Listen to their conversation with our CEO, Pavlo Pavlovič for the Zdravé reči podcast.

Pavol Pavlović, CEO


A unique dna4fit health and sports center project based on family. the characteristics of children, parents and grandparents are not random, they are inherited from generation to generation. Some are favorable and some less so, but once you know them you can do anything.
Within the project, the family can come together, set joint and individual goals and spend more time together during activities for which you simply have an innate predisposition. In the child champion project, everyone wins, but the youngest win the most.

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