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The DNA4fit web system uses cookies to ensure the correct functioning of the services provided.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files stored in the user's web browser (e.g. Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome) on their computer (or in another device with Internet access, e.g. smartphone or tablet). These files ensure that the website visitor can easily and quickly get customized content again whenever he returns to the website he has been on before. Information from cookies is accessible only to the website that created them. Cookies do not contain any other software programs that could run on the user's device with Internet access (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.).

What is the content of cookies?
Within the DNA4fit web system, you may encounter temporary and permanent cookies. Temporary cookies are used in the user's browser when viewing the website, after leaving the website the files are deleted from the computer (or other device). Permanent cookies remain on the computer (or other device) until they expire or are deleted by the user. They are used, for example, to identify visitors through the tool Google Analytics from the company GoogleTM. By analyzing the traffic and behavior of visitors, we subsequently try to improve and adapt the content of our websites.

What are the advantages of using cookies?
A cookie is a file that contains information from the user's web browser and from a specific web server. If the web browser accesses the web server again, the server can more easily and quickly retrieve this information and respond to the data stored in it. Thanks to cookies, we are able to constantly improve and improve our website.

What are the options for changing the settings and deleting cookies?

Each user of his device can influence whether cookies will be stored on his device. If the storage of Cookies is allowed (default action for most Internet browsers), the user can add/edit or delete them as needed. Every internet browser offers tools that serve to manage cookie settings. The pre-installed setting of most browsers is such that they enable the storage of cookie files for all web servers (pages). However, the browser settings can be changed so that it processes cookies in different ways.

For example:

  • before each cookie is saved on the computer, the user confirms or rejects this saving,
  • the user specifies the behavior of cookies on specific websites (e.g. his favourites),
  • the user completely disables the storage of cookies on his computer.

For more information on where to find cookie settings in the browser, you need to go to the website of the specific browser manufacturer.

Thank you for understanding.

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