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Nowadays, it is common knowledge that diet and lifestyle play a key role in our health and overall well-being. But what may not be as well known is that our genetic predispositions can influence how our bodies react to different foods and living conditions. This opens the door to a fascinating field of research called nutrigenomics, which studies the relationship between genetics, nutrition and health.

In today's busy time, where we are faced with an increase in stress and civilization diseases, taking care of our health is essential. Health and nutrition are closely linked - quality food can be our best medicine.

However, which diet is the most suitable for us? One-size-fits-all solutions do not work for everyone, as each of us has unique genetic predispositions.

Our genes not only determine our appearance and character, but also affect our metabolism and ability to process nutrients. This explains why different diets work differently for each person. As a result of these genetic variations, each body has different needs and is different processes macro- and micronutrients.

The key to health is our own genes

Our genes form the basis of our individuality and at the same time have a huge impact on our lifestyle and nutrition. Although at first glance it may seem that human DNA is very similar, there are quite a few millions of genetic mutations, leading to diversity in our physiology and predisposition to various diseases. For example, genetic variation determines the color of our skin, eyes and hair.

Even before birth, our characteristics and dispositions are strongly influenced by the genetic code. Genes regulate our metabolism and all biochemical processes in our body, which has a direct impact on how our body processes nutrients. Therefore, it is clear that different types of diet work for everyone individually.

Each of us has our own unique genetic requirements, which are also reflected in relation to nutrition. Although many people follow general recommendations such as eating vegetables, fruits and regular exercise, for many it is not enough.

Personalized approach to nutrition that is based on genetic information may be the key to achieving optimal health and performance.


Each of us has a unique genetic makeup that affects how our body metabolizes nutrients. For example, some genetic variants can affect how quickly or efficiently our body digests carbohydrates, fats or proteins. This can lead to different reactions to certain foods and diets between individuals.


Nutrigenomics examines how our genetic predispositions affect the use of nutrients inside our cells. For example, some people may have genetic variants that may make them less able to absorb certain nutrients, such as iron, calcium, or vitamin D. This information can help design personalized diets and nutrition plans that take into account individual needs.


Personalized approaches to nutrition based on genetic testing can bring many health benefits
benefits. They help identify foods and nutrients that are beneficial to an individual while minimizing the risk of overeating or nutrient deficiencies. This can lead to better health, increased energy and overall well-being.

We subject the resulting values obtained from your DNA to a strict analysis. The output of this analysis, together with a clear description, is divided into nine chapters. Each chapter explains how your DNA affects you and the results of this analysis will be delivered to you as a comprehensive and personalized guide with instructions and recommendations suitable only for you.



Overweight and obesity are the result of complex interactions between genetic factors and lifestyle. Nutrigenomics allows us to study how genes affect metabolism, appetite and the way our body stores fat.

Did you know that…

  • FTO gene: People with certain variants of the FTO gene tend to consume more calories and have a greater appetite, which can contribute to weight gain.
  • APOA2 gene: This gene can affect how your body reacts to dietary fat. People with certain variants may be more likely to gain weight on a diet high in saturated fat.


Type 2 diabetes is a complex disease that results from a combination of genetic predispositions and lifestyle. Nutrigenomics gives us insight into how we can personalize our diet based on our genetic profiles to reduce our risk of developing diabetes.

Did you know that…

  • TCF7L2 gene: This gene is one of the strongest genetic factors associated with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. People with certain variants of this gene have a higher risk of developing the disease.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Certain genes affect how your body processes omega-3 fatty acids. Research shows that proper omega-3 consumption can help improve insulin sensitivity, which is key in preventing diabetes.

If you're curious about how your genetics affect your diet and health, you can choose to genetic test. These tests can provide valuable information about your genetic predispositions and help you understand how your body reacts to different types of foods and diets.

Meal plan according to yours genes: COOK4fit

If you have ever wished for a diet that was precisely adapted to your genetic predispositions, COOK4fit is the right guide for you. This innovative meal program is based on two key pillars: Menus and Recipes.

The menu offers a 4-week meal plan with a detailed list of meals for each day. Also included are meal combinations to suit your individual needs. The tables show not only the number of calories, but also the composition of macronutrients in foods and ingredients, based on the analysis of your DNA. The program is designed with two options in mind - whether you are trying to reduce weight or simply maintain your health and vitality.

The second part of the COOK4fit guide contains 60 recipes from a variety of cooking styles - from refreshing vegetable dishes to hearty meat delicacies. The amount of ingredients is individualized based on an analysis of your DNA, ensuring that each meal is precisely tailored to your needs. Simple icons in the recipes allow you to easily recognize whether a given dish meets your specific requirements, whether it is a lactose-free, gluten-free or vegetarian dish.


Nutrigenomics research helps us better understand the relationship between genetics, nutrition and health. Personalized approaches to nutrition may have great potential in preventing disease and promoting overall health. If you're interested in how genetics might affect your lifestyle and diet, don't hesitate to give it a try genetic test and discover your unique needs.

Author: Ing. Klára Hotová Dendisová, nutrigenomics

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