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GENETICS AND NUTRITION: The connection between gout and a healthy lifestyle

Nowadays, it is common knowledge that diet and lifestyle play a key role in our health and overall well-being. But what may not be as well known is that our genetic predispositions can influence how our bodies react to different foods and living conditions. This opens the door to a fascinating field of research called nutrigenomics, which studies the relationship between genetics, nutrition and health.


Child champion in life, in sports, its protection and healthy development in accordance with DNA II

Dear parents, in this article we will focus on the topic of how the genetics of the child and parents affect the overall prosperity of children and how we can best help children improve their health, avoid eating mistakes, help achieve better performance in school, in sports or in life in general. Children require more of our attention also based on their genetic predispositions, which make them unique.

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Every parent wants only the best for their child, but every child is unique and different from others. It has unique requirements for nutrients, dietary and sports predispositions, sleep cycle or reacts differently to stressful situations. This uniqueness is due to the random combination of genes that a child receives from its parents. Such genes can be combined in different ways and can have a different number of mutations. Sometimes these mutations have no effect on a person's life, sometimes they mean an advantage or a disadvantage for the child, and sometimes they are the reason for health complications.


Individual training in accordance with DNA

In this article, we will show you how your decision-making in the training process is influenced by genetics and how to adapt training to it really individually. My name is Pavol Pavlovič, I am the founder of the DNA4FIT brand and, among other things, a former long-time coach of elite youth aged 14-18. After many years of experience in the training process of children and adults, I can say with certainty that only individual training, even in collective sports, is the right way to effectively use the potential of every athlete. Enjoy a little taste of what genetic analysis can do today.