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Does genetics affect our skin?

The beauty of every person comes from within. How we look is a reflection of how we eat and feel. There are many products for beauty care and appearance, but the best instructions are written in our own genes. The primary "cosmetics" for our body is its nutrition. But what is the best one for us? The answer comes from the latest research in the field of nutrigenomics, which deals with the relationship between genes and nutrition.

The skin is our image

The skin, the largest organ of the human body, is a mirror of our state of health. Scientists around the world have been studying our genetics for a long time and found that up to 55% internal factors (genes) and 45% external factors (lifestyle, nutrition, environment, smoking...) affect the condition of the skin. If you know your genetic predisposition, you can choose a precise, targeted and clearly the most effective form of skin care. Skin diseases, but also ailments such as wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, or varicose veins have their origin in our DNA structure.

The key to beauty is our genes

Although the human genotype is essentially the same, there are millions of genetic variations in individuals that make us different. In addition to differences in appearance (color of skin, hair, eyes...), thanks to various genetic mutations, each human organism has a different need for intake and ability to process individual nutrients. Both macronutrients - fats, sugars and proteins, as well as micronutrients - vitamins and minerals. Nutrigenomics is an amazing new tool for self-discovery. Medicine has become even closer to people. Thanks to the knowledge of our own genetic information, we can prevent the appearance of many skin defects or soften them. So what's the best way to take care of your skin?

Vitality and beauty thanks to genetic analysis

DNA tests provide a lot of accurate information, with which specialists can analyze our DNA and propose dietary adjustments according to our genetic information. Although we receive vitamins and minerals from our normal diet, it is more difficult to obtain them if we are predisposed to their deficiency. For example, skin aging is caused by several factors, lifestyle, lack of sleep, UV radiation...however, some people age faster and others slower despite doing nothing more or less than others. A mutation in the DNA sequence is to blame. This mutation can be corrected by supplying the necessary components in food. Also, not everyone has varicose veins and they are a manifestation of the genotype, which is associated with an increased level of homocysteine - an overall indicator of health status. However, suitable foods and supplements contain substances capable of adjusting this level.

So what does my body need?

If we want the best skin care guide, the solution is almost simple. The development of health care shows that through genetic tests we will learn the exact answer to what our body needs in this case the skin. Genetic analysis SYSTEM BEAUTY will give us instructions on how to achieve beautiful skin. Just follow it. Specialists in nutrigenomics - genetics and nutrition will prepare a personalized DNA test analysis for you.

Individual studied genes are divided into three sections. In the section Appearance the genes responsible for stretch marks, skin hydration, cellulite, skin elasticity and varicose veins are precisely analyzed. In the section Aging you will find the results of your genetic information for sensitivity to inflammation, skin antioxidant capacity and biological aging. In the section Nutrition skin, the influence of your genes on vitamin, mineral and omega 3 metabolism levels is shown.

Science has moved closer to people, to everyday life. Knowing your genes is so important and yet so easy and accessible now. Analysis  BEAUTY  it will help us not only to look great, but also to feel healthy and vital, not for a while, but permanently. In the results of the analyses, you will receive recommendations on exactly what and in what quantities your body needs to supply in nutrition and how you should take care of yourself. 

Scientific resources (*.pdf)

What do I get if I take a DNA test?

  • I will understand my organism and body
  • I have a chance to live a better life
  • I will get in better shape
  • I will strengthen my health
  • I will achieve longevity
  • I will look healthy, vital and young
  • I will receive a 68-page manual and recommendations for adjusting lifestyle, diet, exercise, and relaxation
  • 5 analyzes of the appearance of your skin
  • 4 analyzes of the aging of your skin
  • 9 analyzes of your skin's nutrition
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