Nutritional supplements IMMUNITA plus


Nutritional supplements IMMUNITA plus
The nutritional supplements in the IMMUNITA+ package in collaboration with DNA4FIT and ADELLE DAVIS contain the best vitamins for strengthening immunity, enriched with a separate B-complex and curcumin. Nutritional supplements are in liposomal form and improve the body's defenses and immunity.

Contents of the package:
Liposomal zinc 200 ml – 2 x 20 daily doses.

Liposomal vitamin D3+K2 200 ml – 40 daily doses.

Liposomal glutathione 200 ml – 2 x 20 daily doses.

Liposomal curcumin 200 ml – 2 x 20 daily doses.

Liposomal B-complex 200ml – 2 x 20 daily doses

Liquid Omega-3 50 ml – 33 daily doses

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Adele Davis

Unlike conventional forms, the liposomal form has up to 6 times higher absorbability. To compare the different forms:

capsules, tablets, powder form
absorbency up to 20 %
vitamin C administered by injection directly into a vein
absorbency approximately 70 %
liposomal form
absorbency over 90 %
Very simply, it can be said that the nutritional supplement itself is wrapped in small bubbles (they are called liposomes, hence the name liposomal, and they are made using a special process from the natural substance lecithin). These mini-bubbles protect the active substance and, in addition, "get along" with the walls of the intestines, so they easily get through them into the blood and it carries them to the cells themselves. They also get along with them, so the cell very easily accepts the "shipment" and therefore more than 90 % of the active substance gets to where it needs to be used. In addition, this form does not burden the stomach.

GLUTATHIONE contributes to:
increasing energy
improving muscle tension
liver and kidney detoxification
improving mental focus
improving the quality of sleep
improving the quality of the skin
improving the metabolism of all body cells and thus prevents their premature aging
increasing athletic performance
reducing the regeneration time after performance
reducing the effect of stress
GLUTATHIONE acts against:
autoimmune and inflammatory diseases
skin aging
heart diseases, liver and kidney diseases
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
Recommended dosage:
Adults: 2 x daily 5 ml (2 x 1 teaspoon).

Note: shake before use.

VITAMIN D contributes to:
proper absorption/utilization of calcium and phosphorus
normal level of calcium in the blood
maintaining healthy bones
maintaining proper muscle function
proper functioning of the immune system
protection of cells from oxidative stress

VITAMIN K2 contributes to:
​prevention of osteoporosis (thinning of bones), increased risk of fractures and improvement of bone health
improving bone density during menopause/andropause (physical and mental changes in women/men in advanced age
prevention of heart diseases
maintaining healthy teeth
reducing the risk of inflammation
suppression of autoimmune diseases
regulation of the absorption of calcium into the vascular walls and thereby prevents their clogging with calcium
lack of VITAMIN K2 causes:
increased level of calcium in the intercellular space - hypercalcemia
hardening of blood vessels and the associated increase in "bad" VLDL cholesterol (very low density lipoprotein - VLDL)
headache, back, muscle and joint pain, also in connection with inflammation
fatigue, malaise and muscle weakness
Recommended dosage:
Adults: 1 x teaspoon (5 ml) daily (Vitamin D3 = 50 mcg = 2000IU, Vitamin K2 = 100 mcg).

Note: shake before use.

the effects of ZINC in a nutshell:
supports and strengthens the body's immune (defense) system
participates in the transformation of substances in the body
it helps in many processes in the body
helps maintain:
healthy and strong nails
healthy bones
healthy hair
healthy skin

the effects of VITAMIN C in a nutshell:
supports the body's defenses
helps in wound healing
cooperates in building bones, teeth and cartilage
its deficiency can cause an excessive appetite for sweets
it is an antioxidant (it acts against free radicals - these are formed during excessive stress or when a person is exposed to pollutants or poisonous substances)
helps with various chemical processes in the body
Recommended dosage:
Adults: 2 x 1 teaspoon (10 ml) = 15 mg zinc, 1000 mg vitamin C.

Note: shake before use.

Omega-3 fatty acids belong to the group of polyunsaturated fats.

There are three main ones:

alpha-linolenic acid (ALA),
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Omega-3 has a positive effect on health in all age groups. Omega 3 fatty acids help maintain the correct level of cholesterol in the blood. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, support brain activity, improve memory and have anti-inflammatory effects. Long-term use can also have a positive effect on the immune system.

They are also important for pregnant and lactating women. DHA contributes to the proper development of the brain in unborn children and infants and also has a beneficial effect on the development of their vision. These important acids are crucial from the first weeks of pregnancy. We recommend continuing to use the nutritional supplement even after delivery, when fatty acids pass through breast milk.

Recommended dosage:
Adults: 1.5ml (450mg DHA).

Note: shake before use.

effects of VITAMIN B1 – THIAMINE in a nutshell:
contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and the proper functioning of the psyche
contributes to the proper functioning of the heart
contributes to the correct metabolism important for energy production
effects of VITAMIN B2 – RIBOFLAVIN in a nutshell:
contributes to maintaining healthy red blood cells and good vision
contributes to the correct metabolism of iron
contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and the proper functioning of the psyche
contributes to maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes
contributes to protecting cells from oxidative stress and reducing exhaustion and fatigue
effects of VITAMIN B3 – NIACIN in a nutshell:
contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and the proper functioning of the psyche
contributes to maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes
contributes to the reduction of exhaustion and fatigue
effects of VITAMIN B5 – PANTOTHENIC ACID in a nutshell:
contributes to the correct metabolism important for energy production
contributes to the reduction of exhaustion and fatigue and healthy mental performance
contributes to the correct synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters (substances used to transmit impulses in the nerves)
effects of VITAMIN B6 – PYRIDOXINE in a nutshell:
contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system
contributes to the correct formation of red blood cells
contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and the proper functioning of the psyche
contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity
effects of VITAMIN B7 – BIOTIN in a nutshell:
contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and the proper functioning of the psyche
contributes to maintaining healthy skin, mucous membranes and hair
contributes to the correct metabolism important for energy production
contributes to the correct metabolism of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats)
effects of VITAMIN B8 – INOSITOL in a nutshell:
participates in the processing of cholesterol - breaks it down
supports sleep, digestion and blood circulation
preserves fertility
maintains healthy skin, protects hair from falling out in men
effects of VITAMIN B9 – FOLIC ACID in a nutshell:
It is essential for all processes of cell division and growth, synthesis of nucleic acids, proper development and growth of white blood cells, and is part of genes and chromosomes.

effects of VITAMIN B10 – PABA in a nutshell:
protects the skin from free radicals, ultraviolet rays of the sun and pigmentation
keeps the skin healthy
maintains a healthy digestive tract
participates in protein metabolism and red blood cell formation
effects of VITAMIN B12 – CYANOCOBALAMIN in short:
contributes to the correct metabolism important for energy production
contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system
contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and the proper functioning of the psyche
contributes to the reduction of exhaustion and fatigue
the effects of CHOLINE in a nutshell:
functions as a transmitter of nerve signals
it is used in the formation of short-term and long-term memory
participates in the processing of cholesterol - breaks it down
Recommended dosage:
Adults: 2 x 1 teaspoon (10 ml).

Note: shake before use.

Nutritional supplement containing curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

It is beneficial for inflammatory joint pain and has a positive effect on digestion. It also supports the brain, heart, skin and wound healing.

CURCUMIN contributes to:
reducing inflammation in the body
strengthening the immune system
improving brain function and reducing brain diseases
lowering the cholesterol level
reducing the risk of developing heart diseases
reduction of depression
skin health (for example, when managing itching)
Recommended dosage:
Adults: 2 x daily 5 ml (2 x 1 teaspoon).

Note: shake before use.