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What do DNA tests reveal? Our body as we know it.

We only have one health. It is our only investment that will return to us one hundred percent. The older we are, the more interested we are in it. We get a little sore here and there, but most of us feel tired most of the time. It all starts with loss of energy and fatigue. We are looking for information on how to help yourself. Most people do not even have enough professional information about what is happening in our body and whether we are in danger. Let's face it, it's information that people don't normally have access to. After all, even general practitioners test medicines on us to see if they will help us, if they work, and they studied medicine for several years. If we start searching for the causes of some phenomena that our body exhibits on our own, we are embarking on a long journey. It costs us a lot of money, but especially time. Many times the advice is general and the direction we will take is uncertain. Scientists have been studying the human body for many years, including at the genetic level, and have come up with a solution that will help people shorten this journey. IN DNA4fit based on genetic tests from our own DNA, they can find out what harms or benefits us and what we should work on in life.

What are DNA tests good for?

With the help of genetic tests, we can find out everything about our body. In addition to unique facts about our organism, in the resulting analysis, a team of specialists will give us recommendations on how to adapt our lifestyle to the needs of our body. We literally get a manual so that we can have a comprehensive understanding of our own body and its functioning. You may be asking. How is it possible? Why should I listen to what my body "tells" me? Each person has DNA that is unique. It is unmatched by any other on the planet. Therefore, the results of a friend, neighbor, or wife, ... will be different from yours, even if you "suffer" from the same symptoms. DNA test SYSTEM COMPLEX is a basic test that is the ticket to a better life. The results of the test are compiled into a clear manual, which has more than 140 pages. We will learn from it how we should eat, what vitamins the body can take in from food and which we need to supplement, what sports are suitable for us, how and how much we should regenerate, but also what diseases of civilization lie in wait for us if we do not listen to the primal signals of our body . Genetic tests allow us to get to know our own body in detail. We will also find out how susceptible we are to inflammation, or how our body reacts to alcohol or caffeine. The mentioned information, which comes to us in the output analysis from the test, is given in an understandable form even for an ordinary person. We can safely say that DNA tests of the 21st century are the key to a full and healthy functioning in life.

Personal results are personal

We are all human, but we are all affected by something different. This is exactly what genetic testing proves. But one thing is certain. The results of the DNA test will be constantly updated for us. It doesn't matter if we get them done today or in a few months, years, for ourselves or our children. The results of our DNA analysis are and will remain relevant throughout life, because genes are immutable and what helps me may not help someone else. Therefore, an individual approach is important. Analyzes are tailored for each individual. If you decide to follow the instructions for modification or a complete lifestyle change, you will definitely feel the change.  

Diet and its effect on the body

Genetic testing with BODY4fit will reveal how our metabolism works, what diet is suitable for us to maintain an ideal weight. It will also reveal how our body reacts to micro and macro nutrients. You will find out whether you have a hidden lactose intolerance or celiac disease. Yes, this can also be the reason why our body is not in ideal shape now. He is simply suffering. After passing the DNA tests, we will find out what we can eat and what we should avoid. We must not forget about minerals and vitamins, which need to be replenished throughout life. Thanks to gene analysis, we can find out whether we have enough vitamins B6, B9, B12, D, E, but also whether we have the optimal level of iron, sodium and potassium.

Let's do sports and live according to our genes

In addition to nutrition, DNA test results also focus on sports performance. Thanks to them, we can find out what kind of sport is suitable for us. Will our strength be strength, or on the contrary, endurance? Athletes will also discover from DNA tests what the muscle volume gene is and in which cases it is most effective. We will find out if we have an advantage in increasing muscle mass, or if it will take us a little longer. They will also explain the issue of muscle regeneration and what all must be taken into account. In addition, the BODY4fit analysis will also clarify the performance of our heart. What is its potential and performance. Here it is important to point out that universal recommendations and plans in the field of nutrition and sports do not work. We've all experienced it. Searching for guaranteed tips on how to lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight, whether in terms of weight or muscle volume. Many of us will surely think: "that's exactly how I do it and it still doesn't work". Every body is different and nothing health-related works for everyone. Some people need 6 hours of sleep and others need at least 8. Thanks to DNA tests, we can also find out when it is a good time for a more demanding activity. Do we function better in the morning or are we more comfortable with the night life? When adjusting the lifestyle, the test results also focus on resistance to stress and what each one of us should do specifically to prevent the diseases of civilization.  

Diseases that afflict a large part of civilization

Thanks to the analysis, which makes it possible to examine individual predispositions, we can detect and reduce potential risks in terms of civilization diseases. What are they? With DNA tests, they also focus on cardiovascular diseases, conditions for the development of diabetes, sensitivity to insulin and can detect the threat of a heart attack. Thanks to these tests, we can start taking better care of our body. We get to know such unique information about our body that we would have nowhere to find out. We are literally given instructions on how to function properly in life, according to what our genes need.

If we get to know and understand our organism and body, we have a chance for a better quality of life. We can get in better shape, strengthen our health, achieve longevity and even look young. Is it too much? We are only at the beginning of what can be discovered about our body. DNA test COMPLEX will reveal the basic information mentioned above. Each one of us, if we want to live a quality life and understand our body and organism, should try to live a better life. It is up to each one of us how we use this opportunity and whether we want to get guidance for good health. The resulting analysis will help us feel healthy, vital, not for a while, but permanently. You will receive an 80-page guide and recommendations, where there are 29 analysis analyzes of how the exchange of substances in the body works. It will tell which sports we should engage in and which activities to avoid. Thanks to the clear guide, we will understand our body better.

Scientific resources (*.pdf)

So what do I get if I take a DNA test?

  • I will understand my organism and body
  • I have a chance to live a better life
  • I will get in better shape
  • I will strengthen my health
  • I will achieve longevity
  • I will look healthy, vital and young
  • I get 29 detailed analyzes and
  • 38 genetic markers covering various areas of nutrition, metabolic traits, exercise and overall health along with a personalized diet and lifestyle plan
  • this is all in the 80 page guide and recommendations

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